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Web Development


I can work at two different rates, either by the page or by the hour. The page rate is based making 1 page with 2 revisions built in before it counts as another page. The hourly rate is based on exactly how long it takes to design, write, scan images, and make graphics for the site. The hourly rate is usually much cheaper because it usually doesn't take as much time as the page rate has figured in to it.

Page Rate

Pages$50 per page
ScanningBuilt in to Page Rate
Custom Graphics$35 per graphic

Hourly Rate

Pages$14 per hour
Scanning$14 per hour
Custom Graphics$18 per hour

Rates Explained

  • Page Rate - The page rate is based making 1 page with 2 revisions before it counts as another page.

  • Hourly Rate - This often turns out to be the cheaper of the two rates I work by. It is based on how long exactly it takes to make the web site.

  • Pages - Pages stands for the actual HTML web pages that are created.

  • Scanning - Scanning stands for the scanning of images for the web site that I need to do.

  • Custom Graphics - Custom graphics are the graphics from scratch that I make for your site. This consists of designing or revamping logos, ad banners, backgrounds, foregrounds, etc...

Current Prices

I base these prices on what I would actually be willing to pay a web developer to design a site for me. The current prices I have are mainly introductory prices for the initial design and maintenance of the site. This means that the prices will eventually go up, but I have these prices are pretty close to what they will eventually be. You will be given written warning ahead of time if the rates are about to go up.

Copyright © 2000 by Kirk R. Thomas
All Rights Reserved.